Name: Quniana Futrell
What city and state do you live in?: Portsmouth, VA
Describe your current work/workplace: I work for the ECE Firm, LLC as the CEO and Champion Life Coach. I am also, the Executive Director for my 501c3 BRC, INC supporting children impacted by incarceration. I got into this work after having both parents in and out of correctional facilities most of my life. I did what many do, changed my story and help other moms do it daily whether mentally or physically incarcerated.
What made you want to join CLI?: It is time to take my activism to another level and learn from giants who have done it more effectively.
What are you most looking forward to as a part of CLI?: I am looking forward to learning how to create and get Bills passed as well as grant writing.
What do you wish people knew about women who are incarcerated/formerly incarcerated/their families?: That they have different needs physically and emotionally than men and they deserve our attention, too!
Who is your biggest supporter?: My biggest supporter is my husband, Al.
What is your favorite form of self-care?: My favorite form of self care is therapy!
Anything else you want to share about yourself and your work?: After losing my mom to her addiction less than 24 hours of her release from federal prison, I vow to help restore mother daughter relationships that are broken and help mothers who are incarcerated heal/recognize the tie in their childhood traumas and their incarceration and supply them resources to help aid their choices.