Beyond the Bars Conference FAQs

January 06, 2025

Frequently Asked Questions about the Beyond the Bars Conference

1. How much is registration?

Thanks to our partners and supporters, registration for the conference is free and open to the public. 

2. When will registration be open?

Early January 2025. If you would like to know as soon as it opens, you can sign up for our newsletter list or follow us on social media. 

3. Where will the conference take place?

The conference will take place on Columbia University’s campus in various buildings. The main portion of the conference on Saturday and Sunday will take place at Columbia School of Social Work at 1255 Amsterdam Avenue. 

4. Can my organization table at the event? 

Please email [email protected] to inquire about tabling. We have limited space and will prioritize organizations that fit the theme of the conference. 

5. Can I speak at the conference?

We curate our panels to fit our theme and often have speakers already lined up for each. You can still reach out to us, but we may not be able to get back to you. You can also submit a workshop proposal that is due January 9. 

6. Are workshop speakers paid?

Unfortunately, because we have a limited budget and try to have as many workshops as we can, we are not able to compensate workshop leaders at this time. 

7. Will there be overflow?

For Saturday and Sunday plenaries, there are 125 seats. After we reach capacity there will be seats available in overflow rooms. 

8. Will the event be live-streamed?

Yes. Thursday and Friday night and Saturday and Sunday plenaries will all be live-streamed. Workshops will not be live-streamed. Live-streaming can be viewed here:

9. Will ID be required?

ID is required, but all ages are welcome at this event and we strongly encourage young people to attend.

PLEASE NOTE: Due to increased security measures on Columbia’s campus, it is important that you register. In the past, we have been able to accommodate people who do not register, but policies around off campus guests have become more restricted so we may not be able to accommodate as easily as before. You can ensure you will get into the conference by registering for free. 

10. Do you have suggestions for hotels or have special rates with hotels?

Unfortunately, we do not have discounts with local hotels for the conference. Here is a list of hotels suggested by Columbia to guests. The conference will take place uptown, between 116th and Broadway and 122nd and Amsterdam.

For any other questions, please email [email protected]