The Center for Justice is committed to advancing and amplifying restorative and transformative justice practices and models.For several years CfJ has been engaged in restorative justice work, primarily through developing restorative justice approaches, offering trainings and leadership development, and public programming. More recently we have engaged in amplifying the work of transformative justice.
We are continuing to grow this work and our aim is to advance just approaches to justice, increase capacity and leadership of people and organizations engaged in restorative and transformative justice work, and engage networks of practitioners and advocates in advancing scholarship, culture and practices of justice beyond punishment.
We continue to support the development of restorative approaches including our successful collaborations with the Osborne Association through the Longtermers Responsibility Project, and Everyday Restorative Justice. We are continuing to grow our training and leadership development work where we support a broad range of people who are both new and old to the practices of restorative and transformative justice. We also continue the work of public engagement around these approaches to justice.