Ending Torturous Conditions, Decarceration and Closing Prisons
Building Solidarity and Justice from Mississippi to New York
Wednesday February 19th - 6:30-9:00pm
Columbia Law School (Warren Hall)
1125 Amsterdam Avenue Room 107 (Basement)
New York, NY 10027
Register / Donate Here: https://mssolidarityteachin.eventbrite.com
We invite you to join a teach-in and fundraiser to learn about the current crises in Mississippi prisons, the struggles to confront the torturous conditions, to close Parchman prison, and the efforts to end torturous conditions in New York prisons. Fifteen people have died in Mississippi prisons since the start of 2020. Parchman prison is one of the more horrendous prisons in the country, and yet we know that conditions in prisons across the country are more often than not, incredibly inhumane. New York too has its own inhumane practices of solitary confinement, and nearly 1000 people have died in New York Prisons since 2010. Join us to learn more about the injustices, but more importantly, about the struggles for justice, for humanity, dignity and for a world in which prisons are not the answer to social problems.
We will be joined virtually by activists and organizers in Mississippi including people from the Mississippi Reform Coalition, as well as activists and organizers from the Coalition for Alternatives to Isolated Confinement (CAIC), Pure Legacee, and the Release Aging People in Prison Campaign (RAPP).
All proceeds will go directly to the the Mississippi Reform Coalition.
There will also be an opportunity at the event to write letters to people inside Mississippi prisons as a part of the Mississippi Freedom Letters Campaign.
We invite all justice impacted individuals to join our teach-in at no cost. Please email [email protected] for a ticket.
This event is sponsored by the Beyond the Bars Fellows and the Center for Justice at Columbia University